Let's Coffee

What should a creative person do when given close to tiny budget, almost no time, and only a little less than complete creative freedom? You get on the ride! The Coffee House - Vietnam's fastest growing start-up to rival the world's biggest coffee chain - aims to deliver an impactful campaign for Christmas 2017. They wanted to more than just luring their customers to their stores in the holiday season. So, let's give the audience a reason to say #let'scoffee #minhcaphenhe in the most socially insinuating experience possible.

We started the campaign by making the most "socially awkward" short film of the season, as you do, about a girl facing the ultimate dilemma of accepting her ex's wedding invitation. The film, as expected, sparkled intense discussions - polarized of course - among the social networks. As Christmas approached, the sentiments grew kinder and kinder, as people would, creating an heartwarming film-or-real-life experience.

The brand then followed up with a clever and rewarding application giving their consumers the chance to invite long-time-no-see "friends" to catch up over a cup of coffee. By Christmas Eve, over 10000 "couples" signed up. By New Year 2017, we have nothing but love associated with the campaign.

All achieved with little to no media budget, and the wholesome belief in the magic of friendship put above all else.

Executive Creative Director: Le Huy Anh
Produced by: Kameleon Studio
Agency: The Purpose Group
Client: The Coffee House